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An approach to the place

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe fact that there is a natural harbour precisely on this spot must have played an important role in the choice of this site for a settlement. The mountain mass of Lepetymnos (968 m.) covers the whole of the northern part of Lesvos. The olive is predominant in the rich vegetation of the area. The temperate climate of Molyvos is that of the Aegean, and the winters are usually mild, with the prevailing winds from the south; in summer they are chiefly from the north. The annual sunshine exceeds usually 3.000 hours. As the chief town of the sub-prefecture of the same name, Mithymna constitutes today, in administrative terms —together with Vapheio, Argennos, Lepetymnos, Sykaminea (Skamia), and Skala Sykami-neas- the enlarged Municipality of Mithymna. An important factor in the local economy is the cultivation of the olive, though recently there has been a development of sheepfarming. Fishing is also an important source of income for the local people. Most people here tend to have more than one occupation, which changes according to the season: in parallel with their farming and other jobs, most of the residents are involved, particularly in the summer months, with tourism, which is de-veloping rapidly. At Molyvos, the traditional character of the place, its organised social life, and the spontaneous hospitality of its people exert a special attraction on any visitor, so that the town has become today one of the most important resorts in Greece. Four kilometres to the north-east of Moiyvos is Eftalou, with its fine beaches and boundless view towards Asia Minor. At Eftalou is the country home of the writer Ilias Venezis, who was particularly fond of this area and gave his short stories the title of Eftalou. The country home of Arghyris Ef-taliotis is also here, together with his grave. Eftalou has a chloride radio-active spring, which gives scope for the development of health tourism. In this part of Lesvos the visitor will discover a traditional island way of life, and will himself be able, if he wishes, to take part in it, thanks to the warmth of the hospitality of the Molyvos community. Molyvos, with its unfailing sources of inspiration, has always attracted to itself artists, native and foreign. Many cultural events are held each year in Mithymna: con-ferences, lectures, exhibitions of painting and folk art, theatre and folklore events. Having Molyvos as a starting point you may visit other neighbouring sites of the island, such as Petra with the famous church of our Lady, A-naxos with its fine sandy beach, Ayia Paraskevi, Sykaminia, where fresh fish is plentiful, and even make the complete tour of the island by daily excursions

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